The Seasons – Wet and Dry

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Season’s Greetings from the Jungle!


This week I did two interviews about holiday job search, which got me thinking about the seasons of the jungle. Follow the links to see more.

A little research turned up that the jungle has two distinct seasons; wet and dry. During a dry season, the days are hot and sunny, the vegetation becomes sparser, and watering holes dry up forcing animals to look elsewhere. Conversely, during a wet season, the air quality improves, freshwater quality improves, and vegetation grows significantly. The wet season is also referred to as “green season.”   

Today, I got a call from one of my long time coaching clients who has been working two part time jobs to make ends meet since her husband’s death a few years ago. She has gone back to college to complete her degree and worked very hard to obtain the necessary computer skills to compete in today’s job market.  She has an excellent background in customer service, community project management and has been working diligently to network and expand her personal sphere of influence. Exactly the right things to get that competitive advantage in your job search!


For the past year, she’s been on many interviews and has been passed over for countless positions she was well qualified for; moving from one dried up water source to the next, not because she couldn’t do the job, but because she has over 20 years work experience in total, and was considered overqualified.  Many of the jobs she applied for required a bachelors or “equivalent” experience, and she lost out time and again to recent college grads with less life experience than she had, but she kept plugging away through her dry season. 

TODAY, I got the call I’ve been waiting for. She got a job offer!  In the salary range she was targeting! With benefits!  I was so proud of her! Her comment to me was that once someone else showed they believed in her, she began to believe in herself.


She was the last person on my mental list of people who have been looking for some time that would be great employees! Now she will be enjoying the prosperity and growth of her green season. 

If you have friends or family out there looking for work, let them know you believe in them.  It will really help them find a new job!  


For information on personal executive coaching, visit my website  I have a spot open now that my client found a job today!!!


Carolyn Thompson

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