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The Ape – Jungle Moms

Posted by Carolyn Thompson on Apr 28, 2009 in Building Confidence, Career Path

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The human’s closest relative in the animal kingdom is the Chimpanzee. Like humans, during the first months of life chimp infants are completely dependent on their mothers for food and care and stick close to their mothers until they are mature. It’s a tough job to raise a family and a tough decision when mothers need or want to go back to work.  Whether it’s because your family needs the income or because you’re ready to take on corporate challenges again, you feel torn between the responsibility you have to your family and the obligations you accept with your new employer. Here are a few things to consider as you re-enter the work force:

·         Be confident in explaining that you took time off to start a family. When you organize your resume, make sure the work experience that you intend to carry forward figures most prominently on the first page. It’s ok to have a gap in employment and you should feel free to explain that you took time off to start a family.  There’s no need to pull out the family photo album in the interview, though. 

·         Be flexible and willing to negotiate. Many people leave behind high powered careers and want to return exactly where they left off, or even at a higher level.  In many cases employers may not be willing to pay for someone lacking the most recent, up to date experience.  You can prove yourself over time and get back to where you want to be, but be open to the fact that no matter how smart and hard working you are, there will be a learning curve.  Consider ten years ago many people didn’t have Internet access at their desks; ITunes and text messaging weren’t even in the dictionary as a quick reminder of how technology alone has changed in a short period of time.  

·         When you do land your job, get up to speed as quickly as you can. Read appropriate trade publications and obtain necessary computer training.  Be pleasant and personable, but professional.  Don’t make your water cooler talk about your family until you know more about everyone you work with and avoid overcrowding your workspace with excessive amounts of photos . A few nicely framed ones will keep you focused on why you’re there and keep you from getting too homesick.

·         Have a back-up plan and alternative help for the unexpected things that might pop up.  Most employers will have a 90 day to 6 month probationary period where you may not be eligible for personal leave or sick time.  Obviously emergencies occur, but your new employer will not look favorably on you taking unplanned days off before you have accrued leave.

·         Keep one calendar for work and personal so things don’t slip through the cracks.  Do your best to schedule doctor’s appointments and necessary personal meetings on one day a month that you have set aside and requested off well in advance, for example, the last Wednesday of the month.  That way, you always know if you need to schedule a service appointment you can use that day.

·         Consider starting a home-based business. If the thought of going back to an office and giving up the joy of raising children is just too much for you, consider starting a licensed day care service.  There is a large need for qualified, caring, daycare providers in many areas.  It’s possible that you could earn as much as or more than you would by getting an office job.  It’s your own business, too.  Licensing, insurance, supplies and advertising cost money, but the bookkeeping alone is great experience you can carry forward into an office later as well.  

So, Monkey Mamas! Get out there! Good Luck!

If you have specific questions or need assistance in polishing your resume, finding a job or preparing for interviews, we have on demand webinars, publications and other resources on my website


Carolyn Thompson

Author of TEN EASY STEPS TO A PERFECT RESUME…available on!

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Free Resume Workshop in MD April 23rd

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CAROLYN THOMPSON, Author of TEN EASY STEPS TO A PERFECT RESUME is a leading FREE TO THE PUBLIC resume workshop Thursday, APRIL 23rd in MD.

The job market is very competitive right now, so it’s important to have an informative and complete resume. It’s often difficult for people to narrow down what’s important and what’s not on their resume. TEN EASY STEPS TO A PERFECT RESUME gives a solid roadmap to anyone looking to create a well organized, content driven, resume. Please bring your current resume to work from, and a friend! Whether you are looking for a job now, just need to update your resume, or have no idea where to start, this FREE WORKSHOP is for you!

Location:THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 2009 at 3pm.
1743 West Nursery Road, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090

After Carolyn’s Presentation at the Baltimore Metro Area American Payroll Association Luncheon.

We’ll go through the Ten Steps, discuss them in detail, and answer individual questions as time permits. Copies of the book are available on Amazon and in select bookstores and libraries.  Post workshop individual resume critiques are also offered.

Carolyn’s second book in her series is now available at Amazon; TEN STEPS TO FINDING THE PERFECT JOB.

See you there!   
For a list of available webinars relating to job searching and resume writing, visit Have a private resume workshop right in front of your computer!

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The Bear – Hibernating In Hard Times?

Posted by Carolyn Thompson on Mar 9, 2009 in Career Path, Thinking Positive

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Where have all the hardworking professionals gone?  Have they retreated to their caves (or Florida) for a long winter’s hibernation?  Are they snuggled in, hoping to emerge their sleepy heads in a few months when the promise of the new administration finally starts to pay off?   Are they waiting to complete that resume re-write until they can send it to 100 positions like they could a year or so ago instead of just one or two?  Are they waiting for the abundance of the good old days?

Well, in some professions, the good old days are still around.  Professionals looking for work should pay astute attention to what jobs are being advertised.  There are large pockets of professional areas that are still lacking talented people. 

Take the tax profession as example.  Not a generally exciting topic, but it’s a lucrative field.  Right now, if you were a Senior Tax Accountant in our area, there are over 100 positions available within 50 miles of DC. 

So, unemployed professionals take note…if you’re looking for a new career path, there are jobs out there!   Some training or re-training might be necessary, in some cases, the bill for that might be picked up by an employer.  Do your homework, it never hurts to ask! Don’t hibernate your days away! Wake up, get out there, and find your niche!

Carolyn Thompson

Author of TEN EASY STEPS TO A PERFECT RESUME…available on!

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The Butterfly – When To Spread Your Wings And Fly

Posted by Carolyn Thompson on Nov 5, 2008 in Building Confidence, Career Path

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When is it time to spread your wings and fly, and for what reasons? Think about your current job situation. Is it with a stable company? Are promotions passing you by? Has there been a reduction in staff? Maybe you are just ready for more career growth and challenge. When tackling this obstacle, keep in mind a few sure signs it is time to move on:
  1. -Other co-workers are being promoted while you have been in the same role for years
  2. -Office gossip, and feeling alienated from your team
  3. -The company is having financial difficulties resulting in a reduction in staff
  4. -You no longer want to get up and go to work in the morning
  5. -You no longer feel challenged in your current role and yearn for more
  6. -You have not received a pay increase for more than 2 years

On the other side of the fence there are sure reasons to stay in your current position (cocoon). As a Recruiter, I recently spoke with a friend who has worked in his current position for a year, with only one year of experience in his role, he truly felt that it was time to move on, and wanted a 15k pay increase. My advice to him: In this current market only having one year of experience and expecting a 15k pay increase is unrealistic. There are too many Caterpillars out there looking to spin their cocoon! They will be more flexible with realistic expectations to gain more experience. Here is something to take into consideration: although important, money isn’t everything. If the position offers more experience, advancement in your field, and you are working with innovative technology that is marketable, take that into consideration before ruling it out because the dollar amount is not what you expect. In time you will spread your wings and fly. There is a time and a season for all. Is this your time or your season!?

Rachel Harris
Associate, CMCS

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